Industries We Serve

The AquaSpy IoT Ag Platform is an affordable, easy-to-use, wireless solution that significantly improves resource efficiency, predictability, and quality of crop yield for large and smallholder farms. By “listening” to each crop type, farmers are able to better manage inputs including nutrients and water. Precise timing and amounts of irrigation saves resources and reduces pollutants and runoff.

From more than ten years in the field, we’ve collected a massive repository of crop specific information about the way plants and trees behave and grow throughout the season giving us a profile on every major commodity crop, as well as a huge variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains. The platform delivers in-depth crop-specific analytics about when and where to apply nutrients generated from automated daily measurements of crop roots and soil, at 4” intervals down to 48”, tailored to crop type and growing seasons.

Row Crops
Smallholder Farms
Food and Beverage
Orchard Industry